Lin Yutang Jin – Lin Yutang: Books

Research Themes:Political Theory&nbspDemocratic theory&nbspDemocracy and Democratic Theory&nbspNorms, legitimacy and justification&nbsp

Areas of expertise

Confucian political theory, classic Confucian political thought, twentieth century New Confucianism, democratic theory, comparative political theory

Academic Profile

My DPhil research lies at the intersection of comparative political theory and Confucian philosophy, focusingon the Confucian justifications of democracy. I examine whether pre-QinConfucian texts can provide a ground of justification for democracy and if it can, what kind of democracy follows such a justification.

Đang xem: Yutang jin

Previously I received an MSc in political theory from travelhome.vnford (2016), an MSc in European studies from LSE (2014), and a Bachelor”s dgree in international relations from Peking University (2013).

Xem thêm: Nhà Hàng Tiệc Cưới Quận 6, Tp, Nhà Hàng Tiệc Cưới Quận 6 Tp Hcm


English (academic proficiency)

Mandarin Chinese (native)

Classic Chinese (academic proficiency)

Korean (native; TOPIK 6)

Japanese (upper-intermediate in reading and listening, intermediate in writing and speaking; JLPT Level N2: 177/180)

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French (intermediate; LSE Certificate of Proficiency in French level C1)

Teaching specialism, interests and experience

Teaching Interests: contemporary political theory, history of modern social and political thought, methods in political theory, Chinese philosophy, Confucian political theory, basics of comparative

Teaching Experience:

As a guest lecturer, I teach (forthcoming)

Progressive Confucianism and Its Critics (Department of Philosophy, Wesleyan University)

As a college tutor, I teach

Political Thought: Bentham to WeberTheory of

As an Online Learning Facilitator (TA), I support

the Foundations course in the Master of Public Policy programme at the Blavatnik School of Government, travelhome.vnford


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

“Classic Confucian Thought and Political Meritocracy: A Text-Based Critique”,Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy (forthcoming)

“Between Political Meritocracy and Participatory Democracy: Toward Realist Confucian Democracy”,Culture and Dialogue (special issue on “Confucianism: Comparisons and Controversies”) 8(2) (2020), 251-279.

Xem thêm: Đặc Sản Cà Mau Làm Quà Cho Dân Du Lịch, Đặc Sản Món Ngon Cà Mau Làm Quà

XEM THÊM:  Lịch Phim Platinum Nha Trang Xịn Xò Nhất Hiện Nay, Platinum Nha Trang

“Confucian Justifications of Democracy: A Critique of Joseph Chan’s Democratic Theory”,Philosophy East & West 70(2) (2020), 374-394.

Book Review

“Tongdong Bai: Against Political Equality: The Confucian Case“,Res Publica (2021).

Conference Papers and Presentations

Selected Presentations and Talks

Comment onJennie Ikuta, Contesting Conformity:Democracy and the of Political Belonging (Feb 2021)

travelhome.vnford Political Theory Workshop (University of travelhome.vnford)

“Confucian Leadership Democracy: A Normative Defence” Invited (Oct 2020, upcoming)

“The Problem of Pluralism in Confucian Political Theory” Conference hosted by the Centre for East Asian and Comparative Philosophy (CEACOP), City University of Hong Kong

“Public Reason, Liberal Personhood, and Confucian Democracy: A Critique of Sungmoon Kim’s Confucian Political Theory” (Sep 2020)

Australian Postgraduate Philosophy Conference hosted by the Australian Association of Philosophy

“Confucian Leadership Democracy: A Prototype” (Dec 2019)

Philiminality travelhome.vnford Global Philosophy Graduate Workshop (Philosophy Department, travelhome.vnford)

“Embedded Transcultural Engagement and New Confucianism: Methodologies in Mou Zongsan and Xu Fuguan” (Nov 2019)

XEM THÊM:  The Pizza Company Hậu Giang, Thực Đơn Giao Hàng Tận Nơi Của The Pizza Company

First Sinophone Studies in Europe and Americas International Young Scholars Conference (Research Centre for Chinese Cultural Subjectivity in Taiwan, National Chengchi University, Taipei)

“Why Not the Best Ruler? –A Reinterpretation of the Mencius” (May 2019)

Political Theory Research Seminar (Department of & International Relations, travelhome.vnford)

oregano deli
Cách Làm Cơm Cà Ri Ấn Độ (Kèm Ảnh), Cách Để Nấu Món Cà Ri Ấn Độ (Kèm Ảnh)
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