Index – Koi Thé Singapore

Global Presence – The Founding of KOI

KOI Café was finally founded in 2006. The focus on quality and the signature heart-warming hospitality were successfully brought overseas with the opening of the first Singapore outlet in 2007.In 2015, in order to better convey our brand philosophy and to nurture tea culture, Ms. Khloé Ma officially changed the brand name to KOI Thé to put an emphasis on tea.In 2021, KOI Thé in the United States changed its name to FIFTYLAN due to business strategy & global re-branding alignment.

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The Only Masters in Hand-made Artisan Tea

KOI's brand is focused on bringing out the following: selection of raw material, tea-brewing process, precision and consistency, and friendly service.


Selection of Raw Material

Freshly-picked tea leaves are carefully selected to be made into tea that can satisfy the choosiest palate. Bubbles are made from natural ingredients and cooked in different temperatures to give them that signature bounciness and golden sheen.

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Tea-brewing Masters

The unspoiled flavors of tea can only be extracted by brewing tea leaves in traditional metal kettles. A well-balanced cup of tea is achieved using the perfect ratio of tea to water, cooked with customized utensils under carefully controlled temperatures. It is through our roots in this tradition that enables anyone to enjoy the original taste no matter where they are.


Precision and Consistency

Our tea not only tastes extraordinary on your first sip, it would leave you craving for more even after you have finished. To achieve this, our tea baristas have to undergo stringent training, from precisely adding the right amount of ice to the minute hand movements when scooping sugar. Only through this pursuit of perfection that you may continue to enjoy the soothing aftertaste in every sip.

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Heart-warming Service

We strive to provide the most friendly services by treating you as part of our family. We hope to provide an oasis of warmth and serenity as you enjoy your customised beverage while you break away from busy life.


Brand Culture Selection of Raw Material Tea-brewing Masters Precision and Consistency Heart-warming Service


Worldwide Singapore Taiwan Xiamen Macau Indonesia Cambodia Japan Vietnam Hong Kong Thailand Myanmar Malaysia USA
Proud to be part of the big KOI family We come from different places and cultures, yet tea is the common language that we can all speak.

KOI Tea Barista

Vigorously trained, our baristas are professional, profficient and service-oriented.


KOI Shaker Master/

Where the king of kings is chosen, the most capable baristas compete for the title of Master in this annual event.

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KOI Master Artisan

The Master Artisan fully understands the characteristics of every ingredient. Equipped with this knowledge, the Artisan is able to innovate and improve, giving birth to classic KOI drinks.

Mò Mẫm Cách Làm Bánh Tráng Me, Bánh Tráng Me Tây Ninh (Loại Ngon Nhất)
Các Món Ăn Chơi Tuyệt Ngon Cho Ngày Cuối Tuần Chán Cơm Thèm Đủ Thứ
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