Địa Điểm Ở Gần Trung Tâm Wall Street English Pico Center, Pico Cong Hoa Center

Tan Binh District, the city’s industrial hub and international gateway with Tan Son Nhat international airport has a bustling economy and growing demand for a workforce with capable English communication skills. Wall Street English – Pico Cong Hoa has an open learning space and modern infrastructure in Pico plaza – a leading commercial complex in Tan Binh District to provide the best English learning experience to the locals. In addition to improving English, you can get other great services such as only taking 5 minutes to go to Lotte Cinema, about 1 minute to drop by California Fitness Center & Yoga and other attractive food and restaurants – a bonus for Wall Street English at Pico Plaza. Let’s come and experience a completely different learning English method here!

Our learning centers offer warm, inviting places for students to study and learn. You can find them in convenient areas with access to public transportation.

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We have Social Club classes which are at the heart of the student community. There are many different types of Social Club classes which offer fun activities in English in center or outside. This gives you the chance to meet new people and practice your English with others who are studying the language. Events like movie nights, cooking classes, social nights out, help you to practice English in a fun and relaxed environment!

Do you want to improve your professional business skills? Don’t worry! We have various workshops that can help and improve both of your professional skills and networking skills.

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Our course offers the ideal opportunity for you to learn English in a supportive environment. Make the most of our curriculum based, fun and entertaining studies.

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With Wall Street English, you can choose to study English anytime, anywhere. We understand that learning a new language can be difficult, so we have designed a course plan with our unique blended method, small classes and enthusiastic teachers to give you the best learning experience.

Heo Tộc Quận 2 – Quán Heo Tộc Ngon Quận 9
Cô Gái Hạ Độc Vào Trà Sữa Thường Đăng Ảnh Tình Tứ Với Anh Rể
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