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An indie-rock veteran tweeted about his 9-year-old daughter struggling to use a can opener, and things immediately spiralled into a dark place.

Đang xem: 'bean dad' john roderick apologizes for twitter thread about daughter, racist tweets


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John Roderick, the lead singer of 2000s indie band The Long Winters, has become the source of ridicule after he tweeted out a ‘story’ about refusing to open a can of beans for his nine-year-old daughter, as if it were a ‘teachable moment’ about parenting.

Now trending globally as ‘Bean Dad’, Roderick has deleted his Twitter after criticism and concern for his parenting skills spiralled into a much bigger story — one that potentially, of all things, affects who will replace the late Alex Trebek on Jeopardy!.

Roderick posted a 23-tweet thread on January 2, detailing how he didn’t want to stop solving a jigsaw puzzle, and told his hungry daughter that she should cook her own baked beans. The first problem? She didn’t know how to use a can opener.

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What followed was an absurd thread where Roderick detailed how his daughter tried on-and-off for six hours to open the can, where he refused to either cook for her or simply show her how to use the can opener.

“I said, ‘This little device is designed to do one thing: open cans,” he tweeted. “‘Study the parts, study the can, figure out what the can-opener inventor was thinking when they tried to solve this problem’.”

“I went back to my jigsaw puzzle. She was next to me grunting and groaning trying to get the thing. I should say that spatial orientation, process visualisation and order of operation are not things she… intuitis. I knew this would be a challenge. But it was a rainy weekend.”

And so on. You can read screenshots of the full thread below. In short, Roderick ignores his frustrated and hungry daughter, and forces her for ‘six hours’ to try to learn how to use a can opener without any assistance.

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In case you missed Bean Dad aka john roderick before he deleted his Twitter account, this is what started it all.

— ManiacalV will never DM you for money (ColinT) (
ManiacalV) January 3, 2021

The thread didn’t exactly go down as the “allegory of triumph” that Roderick intended, with Twitter users soon calling him out for cruelty towards his daughter.

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It became something of a meme amid the genuine criticism and concern for his daughter’s wellbeing.

I feel like it’s super valuable to teach kids that they’re not alone in the world and that there’s no shame in asking other people for help and support so imo everyone should read the Bean Dad story and always do the exact opposite

— Jason Schreier (
jasonschreier) January 3, 2021

Wanna feel old? This is bean girl now.

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— Brendan Maclean (
macleanbrendan) January 4, 2021

bean dad’s daughter after she spent 6 hours trying to open a can

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