Estée Lauder Double Wear Stay, Super Fine Eyebrow Pencil Automatique

What’s an unsung makeup hero? For me, it’s an oftentimes underrated makeup morsel, a permanent collection product that scoots under the radar screen of many makeup lovers but regularly rocks my world. The long-running Unsung Heroes series features some of my favorites.

I know…. A picture of MAC Coffee Eye Pencil ($18) with a big-

Đang xem: Double wear stay

ss cup of coffee. This was my second cup of the morning…

Dude, I wake up at 5! An obnoxious level of caffeine is the only way I get through life these days.

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I’ve mentioned MAC coffee a few times lately, but I’ve been hesitant to give it the “unsung heroes” treatment because, for reasons unknown, it vanished from the MAC website, which was sacrilegious craziness to me because it’s *the best* dark brown matte pencil I know of.

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So specific, I know.

But it really is. I wear it more than all of my other MAC liner loves.

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Yes, even more than Teddy, Costa Riche and — I can’t believe I’m about to type this — Powersurge.

Ever since I discovered the power of pencils that *aren’t* black, I’ve been all about brown liner (it’s the whole “black liner looks so harsh on me now that I’m older” thing).


Livin’ that NC42 life, yo.


Wearing Chanel Les Beiges Healthy Glow Natural Eyehadow Palette, MAC Coffee liner, MAC Gingerly blush, MAC Retro Matte Liquid Lipcolour in Burnt Spice and MAC Dazzleglass in Tangerine Tropica

This particular dark chocolate brown doesn’t have red undertones, and it does all the right things for me. It works on my water lines (both upper and lower), doesn’t irritate my eyes (and, GIRL, everything irritates my eyes these days), and it doesn’t smudge unless I want it to.

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It’s not as soft as a gel or a soft kohl, so it doesn’t glide along like those formulas, but perhaps that’s why it sticks to skin so well. I can wear MAC Coffee all day long without any transferring onto my lower lash line or up into my crease.

(Don’t worry — you won’t be tugging to apply it. It’s hard, but it’s also very pigmented and not dry at all, so no skipping, if that makes sense.)


Be warned: Once you try MAC Coffee, you’ll become addicted…just like real coffee.

Speaking of coffee…

Archer Farms from Target is really good! Full disclosure: I’m NO coffee snob, by any means, and if you like your coffee strong enough to power a nuclear reactor, you’d probably say that the coffee I make tastes like milk with a coffee chaser.


Right now I’m drinking the Archer Farms Kona Blend (no, seriously, I have a cup on my desk as I type this), but I also like their Donut Shop and Vanilla Creme Brulee… A regular 12-oz. bag is only $5.99, AND they go on sale all the time!

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So there’s your coffee rec of the day, LOL! Happy Tuesday, friend.

Cách Làm Bún Gỏi Dà Salad Vermicelli (Bún Gỏi Dà), Cách Nấu Bún Gỏi Dà Sóc Trăng Đúng Chuẩn
Ngân Hàng Techcombank Lê Đại Hành, Phường 11, Quận 11, Hồ Chí Minh
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