Mplaza Mock Tests Valuable And Helpful For Passing The Exam?

PRINCE2 is a generic project management methodology that gives you a clear, step by step approach to projects, including information about roles and responsibilities, documents, and more. (All PRINCE2 content)

Agile and Scrum

Scrum is the most famous Agile approach. It’s clear, simple, and straightforward, and the best way to understand what Agility is all about and how you can start using it. (All Agile and Scrum content)

Scrum Master PSM I Exam Prep

Scrum Master PSM I Exam Prep

Product Owner PSPO I Exam Prep

Product Owner PSPO I Exam Prep

ITIL is one of the most popular guides on IT Service Management and a great help for everyone working in this domain. It’s all about “value co-creation”. (All ITIL content)

The first 30% is free!

We believe you have the right to evaluate the course before buying, therefore, the first 30% of each course is free and you can take them even without registering on our website.

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So, why are you waiting? You can start right now 🙂

Official Exams

Management Plaza is authorized to sell the following exams. Many of the courses include exams and you don't need to buy the exam separately; check the course pages for more information.

You can take the above exams online, from anywhere in the world.

For the PMP and CAPM exams, you need to buy the vouchers from PMI directly. PMI has recently made it possible to take these exams online.

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The PSM and PSPO exam vouchers are available for purchase in, and the exams are taken online.

Exam Simulators

When you're done with your studies and before taking your real exam, practicing with these exam simulators will help you to fill in the gaps and familiarize yourself with the style of questions:
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. Your administrative and technical questions will be answered quickly by the support team, and your questions about the topics will be sent to our trainers.

To contact us, use the online chat service that is available on the bottom of the pages, send us an email to support


Management Plaza is a brand name of Professional Training Center of Excellence, which is a certified partner of AXELOS, and an accredited training organization from PEOPLECERT, APMG, and EXIN.

Once upon a time, eLearning courses were the inferior choice. This is not the case anymore, and well-formed, quality eLearning courses are better than classroom courses. How come?
Take us, as trainers: Can you imagine how difficult it is to deliver a quality course for 8 hours a day? You get tired or you just have a bad day, and it impacts the course. In preparing an eLearning course, in contrast, we spend three to six months perfecting the course until it’s just the way we want it. If we’re tired, we just stop working, and if we’re not satisfied with a lesson, we record it again, and again, and again!
Now think about yourself. Isn’t it difficult to tolerate those hard chairs for 8 hours a day, trying to understand intense topics? Isn’t it better to be able to take the course at your own pace, for example, half an hour per day? Isn’t it great to be able to go back and take a certain lesson again if needed? Lastly, you don’t have to risk your time and money on a course with a trainer you don’t know; you can check a demo of the course before deciding.

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Why Management Plaza?

There are many eLearning providers, and you might be wondering which one is the best choice for you. In fact, it’s a simple decision: all you have to do is to watch demos of the courses and compare them 🙂 Just be careful with one thing: there are some providers who create one or a few interesting videos as samples, while the rest of the course doesn’t have anything to do with that.

We are a small group of project experts who love creating content and sharing what we have learned with our peers. While this is currently our main job, earning money is not our highest priority; the highest priority is the sense of achievement we get from creating something that can really help people.

Decorative Element

We’re honored to have played a role in the professional development of 68,000+ learners in the past 9 years, from thousands of organizations, including…
Contact Information Professional Training Center of Excellence N.V (Management Plaza™) Barbarastraat 13, 3120 Tremelo, Belgium

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The Swirl logo™ is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.

PMI, the PMI logo, REP logo, PMP, PMBOK, OPM3 and CAPM are registered marks of The Project Management Institute, Inc.

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