Milfs Villa Porn Videos – Milf&#39S Villa ( Part 1 )

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Đang xem: Milfs villa

Day 1 Morning:

Maid:– Go to your room / Speak with her / Try to open her room / Go upstairs search dad’s pockets / Go back to maid’s room / Check wardrobe (look up) / Move table from the right corner to wardrobe/ Speak with her / Show her credit card

Mom:– Speak with her a few times / Kitchen – Take glass / Sink – Fill glass with water / Go to her, above the pool is mud – use glass on it / Use this glass on her / Go to bathroom/ Go to your room – check window / Go upstairs – search handle – top left corner/ Go back and open window / Jump to the left / Check window / Go back to room / Check bathroom / Go to her bedroom/

Christine:Available after the maid / Speak with her / Under the pool – check tables – search for dad’s key / Go to dad’s office – Take camera / Go to your room (right side) take camera battery / Connect items / Use camera on sister

Saleswoman:Check tool shed / Speak with gateguard / Go to top-right green bush under your window bedroom – search key / Go to tool shed – take rope / Use rope on the fence / Take barrel near garage / Connect items / Use new item on the fence/ Go to saleswoman / Speak with her / Check all fridges / Take table from the top and move it to the down-right corner / Take alcohol and drugs from the basement / Speak with her

Day 1 Evening:

Mom:Try to enter her bedroom / Go to dad’s office / Speak with him two times – Search parent’s bedroom key / Go to her

Christine:Try enter bathroom / Go check your window / Flashlight is in the tool shed under the desk (look down)/ Take also screwdriver from there / Go to home look at the glass table – take console remote /Use screwdriver on remote / Connect batteries with flashlight / Use window / Jump to bathroom window / Go back to room

Ellis:Speak with her / Go take ice from the frezeer / Go give her that / Go to the bathroom take towel / Connect items / Use it on her

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Day 2 Morning:

Friend’s Mom:

Speak with kevin / Speak with chauffeur / Go check gate / Go inside tree house / Check window / Check bench near tree house / Use car key on the left middle car / Take crowbar / Use it on window in the tree house / Go to home / Enter inside /Back to kevin / Blackmail her / Go back home to mom’s bedroom – take sexy clothes top and bottom / Connect it / Go back to her

Mom:Speak with her / Swim with her

Auntie:Speak with her/ Go to bathroom take sunscreen/ Fill it with water – sink kitchen / Use mud again above pool or go jerk off to your room/ Go give her that /

Christine:Check her room / Go take the drill in the tool shed / Speak with gateguard / Go near pool (top-left side table) / Take drill bit and connect it / Go to the top at home /Use drill on the floor (left corner) / Move table (top-right corner) to the hole / Speak with her / Go take a glass and fill it with water / Add to the water sleeping pills / Give her that

Ellis:Available after christine / She’s near shop / Speak with her / Go take the dildo from Christine bed / Go back to her

Maid:Speak with her / Go to the ATM near shop / Go to dad / Talk twice / Give him alcohol / Go to the ATM – code 6969 / Go back to maid / Use money on her

Day 2 Evening:

Ellis:Check her bedroom / Touch her

Maid:Speak with her – Good & Evil

Christine:Check her bedroom

Day 3 Morning:

Mom&Dad:Speak with Dad near garage / Go speak with Mom in the living room / Go to parent’s bedroom check wardrobe / Go to bathroom and check basket / Connect items / Go speak with Mom / Check in the tool shed – electric box / Go back to mom

Dad – Go to gabinet / Check metal cabinet / Check parent’s bedroom right side (Note with the code) / Open metal cabinet and take everything / Go to the tool shed and fix the cable / Go to the cabinet and check PC.

Mom – You can spy on her in parent’s bedroom / Go to the swimming pool and speak with her twice /

Aunt:Speak with chauffeur / Go speak with auntie / Go to the shed and take watering can and hoe / Do stuff in the garden (You can fill watering can in the shed) / Speak with auntie / Listen to the water dripping > This is the code to the metal cabinet (32) / Check all cabinets / Break the mirror and cut the curtain / Use switches /

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Kevin’s Mom:Speak with chauffeur / Speak with her /

Day 3 Evening:

Maid&Ellis:Go to the maid’s bedroom / Speak with her / Good path – Threesome with vivania and ellis / Bad path – Vivania rape scene /

Day 4 Morning:

Dad&Adeline:Speak with Dad near garage / Go inside Adeline house / Take off clothes and take a shower / Go to the sixth room from the left / Go back take a shower and go downstairs to talk with Dad.

Ellis:Talk with her in her bedroom / Go outside pull up all the weeds (Near entrance and pool.) / Go back to her

Mom/Maid: (After Adeline)Speak with gateguard twice / Go outside / Dad is near shop / Talk with him and then go talk with Chauffeur. / Use trunk / Go talk with Mom.

Maid:Go talk with her.

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Christine:Go to your bedroom / Go to Ellis’s bedroom and look for a syringe / Hide the syringe in christine’s bedroom / Go back to your bedroom

Day 4 Evening:

Christine:Go talk to her in her bedroom.

Ellis:Talk with her in the bathroom / Go downstairs to the bathroom and look at sink / Go outside and talk with gateguard / Go to the tool shed and take shower gel / Connect two items / Go back to her and use new item on her / Go to her bedroom/ Talk with her / Go downstairs and check fireplace / Go to the pool and take bucket / Use bucket on sink in the kitchen/ Use bucket on water in the fireplace / Take syringe and go back to Ellis.

Dad&Mom:Talk with Dad / Use aftershave (Bathroom downstairs) / Go to parent’s bedroom / Use your window to go outside / Jump to your parent’s bedroom window and punch it / Go back to parent’s bedroom and hide under the bed.

Day 5 Morning:

Christine:Speak with her (She’s in her bedroom) / Go talk with Dad / Go back to her / Go outside using your window / Take phone / Go back to her

Dad:Go speak with him (He’s upstairs)

Ellis:Speak with her (She’s in her bedroom) / Go to Dad’s Office / Check left Globe / Go back to ellis and use top-left wardrobe / Go bak to the Globe and use Picklock / Take the whiskey to Ellis / Near pool on the table is a bottle opener / Use two items / Go back to ellis and give her opened whiskey

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Aunt:Go to the living room and speak with Mom / Go talk with Mom / Take all the dishes from the house / Go back to Mom / Go talk with Auntie / Speak with chauffeur / Speak with her /

Day 5 Evening:

Christine:Speak with her (She’s in her bedroom)

Ellise:Speak with her (She’s in her bedroom)

Granpda:Speak with chauffeur / Go to Parent’s Bedroom and use top-right bookshelf (Item – Bottom-left side) / Go back to chauffeur / Speak with Granpda / Take lockpick and open safe / Check family album / Go back to chauffeur / Go talk with Mom (She’s near pool) / Go to your room /

Mom/Dad:Go to dad near the pool again / Take the blanket from upstairs in the house / Go back to him / Go to Parent’s Bedroom

Day 6 Morning:

Dad&Aunt&Mom:Talk with him, he’s near pool / Go to the kitchen and take a cup and use it on the coffee / Go back to dad / Use the phone near the table in the living room / Talk with Mom upstairs / Talk with Auntie near garage / Take the rope from the car and use it on the wall / Check flowers /

Maid:Try talk to her in the kitchen / Talk with gateguard / Go to tool shed / Take item on the table and use it on the small hole on the floor / Go back talk to gateguard / Talk to the maid

Christine:Talk to her and enjoy /

Day 6 Evening:

Christine&Dad:Check her bedroom

Grandpa&Mom:Talk to granpda in your bedroom / Go talk to mom in the kitchen / Go with mom to granpda

Day 7 Morning:

Dad&Christine:Talk to her near pool / Go talk to dad in his office / Go talk to christine / Check her bedroom / Check it again

Mom&Granpda:Talk to granpda near bathroom / Go outside using window (jump ‘c’) / Check bathroom / Go to the kitchen and take the knife from the table (after christine) / Go back to the window / Talk with Mom

Grandpa – Available near entrance after mom/christine.

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Day 7 Evening:

Christine&Ellise:Go talk to her

Mom&Dad:Use parent’s bedroom doors / Go downstairs talk with dad / Go to parent’s bedroom and talk to mom.

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