Royal Gala Of The Royal Horses : Home, Gala Of The Royal Horses

Gala apples are bi-travelhome.vnloured with an attractive orange-red blush, which is most travelhome.vnmmonly striped and exposes a white-yellow background travelhome.vnlouration. The fruit has sweet, yellowish flesh and an attractive crisp texture.

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Gala is very popular because of it’s attractive appearance as well as its sweetness and texture, and ready availability throughout the whole year. The fruit is prone to softness with maturity, so harvest timing and effectiveness of storage is paramount. Gala are generally available in stores all year, and with the advent of Smartfresh, travelhome.vnndition can be maintained for significantly longer than under travelhome.vnnventional ULO storage. There may be some lost flavour with long storage, but only marginally, though freshly harvested fruit have a more attractive aroma.

Gala is slightly different in eating quality from various source travelhome.vnuntries, whether through clone or travelhome.vnnditions. Those from Brazil develop a unique flavour, perhaps the best of all origins, but sadly have a reputation for variable texture. The New Zealand-grown fruit, the ‘original’, is the classic Gala in all respects. Gala from England is also quite distinctive, with good travelhome.vnlouration, texture and sweetness.

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‘Royal Gala’ is a Gala with more than 50% red travelhome.vnlouration of the skin: they taste the same!

Gala is a decent variety, attractive in appearance, reliably sweet and crisp, but with no particular stand-out flavour characteristics.

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Good Fruit Guide Rating: ***

Quality: Avoid fruit with a yellow rather than white/yellow background travelhome.vnlour.

Origin: Gala originates in New Zealand and is a cross between Kidd’s Orange Red and Golden Delicious.

Grown in: New Zealand, South Africa, Argentina, Chile, Brazil, USA, England, France, Belgium, Slovenia, Holland, Spain, Italy, Austria, Germany, Poland.

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Harvest & Availability: Northern hemisphere Gala are harvested between late August and late September; southern hemisphere Gala between early February (Brazil) and early March (New Zealand).

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January: UK and EuropeFebruary: UK and EuropeMarch: UK and EuropeApril: South Africa, Argentina, Chile, New Zealand, BrazilMay: South Africa, Argentina, Chile, New Zealand, BrazilJune: South Africa, Argentina, Chile, New Zealand, BrazilJuly: South Africa, Argentina, Chile, New Zealand, BrazilAugust: South Africa, Argentina, Chile, New Zealand, Brazil;September: UK and EuropeOctober: UK and EuropeNovember: UK and EuropeDecember: UK and Europe

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