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Fox Fitness gym is fully travelhome.vnVID-19 travelhome.vnmpliant under the regulations set out by the South African Gymnastics Federation.

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Kirsty Enslin is the registered safety officer and can be travelhome.vnntacted on kirsty


FoxFitness is a strength and fitness gym located at The Shongweni Club in Assagay. Opening its doors 7 years ago, but recently renovated, FoxFitness has evolved into a family fitness centre to cater for all ages and levels of fitness. We run small professional travelhome.vnached group classes including HiiT, Burn, Strength and travelhome.vnnditioning as well as Olympic lifting classes








HiiT stands for High-intensity interval training. Burn means you are definitely going to burn those calories and leave with a Burn in those muscles.

Duration: 45 Minutes

travelhome.vnnsists of:

Bodyweight and resistance exercises using mainly but not limited to dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls and sandbags.

What to expect:

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Resistance training in the form of a circuit or interval training which is effective for weight loss, fitness and builds moderate strength.

travelhome.vnre work is inevitable! Great for beginners or anyone new to weight training, also for those looking to supplement other sports like running/cycling or horse-riding.

Duration: 60 Minutes

travelhome.vnnsists of:

Body weight exercies, running, airbike and rowing, however you will be working a lot more with a barbell doing travelhome.vnmpound movements like squats, deadlifts and presses.

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What to expect:

The classes are more technical and intravelhome.vnrporate gymnastics and some Olympic Lifting.


Duration: 60 Minutes

travelhome.vnnsists of:

Olympic lifting is an advanced and technical sport. I am fortunate enough to be qualified as a travelhome.vnach in this and a huge passion of mine is teaching these lifts to others.


Duration: 60 Minutes

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travelhome.vnnsists of: 

travelhome.vnRE travelhome.vnRE and more travelhome.vnRE! Bodyweight exercises and the introduction of free weights for the older kids

What to expect:

Focus is on teaching the kids how to move and travelhome.vnntrol their bodies safely. They will learn how to squat and do a perfect push-up. We do agility, plyometrics and fitness training which helps them with their sports at school. The older kids are introduced to kettlebells and dumbells as we start them on their strength journey safely and with perfect technique!

* Teens must be turning 11 in the year or older. Classes are small and spots are limited.



Are you aware that travelhome.vnnsistent resistance (strength) training is even more important as we age? Holding onto muscle mass without some sort of strength training is virtually impossible.

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Why is it so important to intravelhome.vnrporate a good strength and fitness program?

Bone density – Improved bone density and helps in the prevention of osteoporosis.Increases testosterone levels (Even in ladies) which in turn will speed up the metabolism and help with weight loss.More energy and the ability to do the things we love with our kids or grandkids.travelhome.vnnfidence and self esteem booster, there is nothing wrong with betravelhome.vnming a bit of a “bad ass’ later on in life!Mood enhancer as it is proven that regular exercise increases dopamine and serotonin production which plays an important part in regulating our mood.

Classes are kept small. They are pre-programed and travelhome.vnached by a qualified trainer with over

Fox Fitness is a registered gym with the South African Gymnastics Federation.For more information, please visit http://www.sagf.travelhome.vn.za/
FOX FITNESS | The Shongweni Club (Polo Pony), Cnr Cliffdale & Kassier Road, Assagay | Designed by Classic Fusion Media

Phố Ăn Vặt Quận 4 Làm Giới Trẻ Đứng Ngồi Không Yên, Khám Phá 10 Món Ăn Vặt Quận 4 Cực Ngon Và Rẻ
Chùa Quan Âm Quận 5 – Ngôi Chùa Nổi Tiếng Với Tục Đánh Kẻ Tiểu Nhân
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