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They say the eyes are the window to your soul. The hands, however, have countless stories to tell.

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The symbiotic relationship that many of the ancient tribes have had – and continue to have – with nature and each other offers invaluable lessons in sustainability. It is our collective responsibility to support indigenous communities and, ultimately, the well-being of our planet.

I believe in working only with mindful brands that are aligned with my values and ethos. To me, the path to success is to do what feels right from the heart.

With a focus on the root source of slow design, I consult with brands to help build new landscapes which place indigenous tribes at the forefront, and which centre on sustainability to change the world one stitch at a time.

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We are living in the era of the Anthropocene, where the human impact on our world is negatively affecting many aspects of life. As a civilisation, we seem to have forgotten how to honour this. We humans – and, by extension, the fashion industry, are all an integral part of the environment. The origin of our textiles is the Earth. As humans, we depend on our planet. By nurturing relationships within this ecosystem, we can draw inspiration and weave together a harmonious story with nature.


Today l consult for a variety of international brands and am stepping into the realms of advocating sustainability. Together with guiding travellers on impact retreats – I have one goal, and that is to preserve our indigenous heritage.
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Questions? Say hi!
Our Intro | Slow Fashion and Sustainability
Our Founder | Root Source of Indigenous Textile
Our Manifesto | Blueprint that Honours Textile Traditions
Our Testimony | Our Collaborations with Sustainability Clients
Our Testimony | Our Collaborations with Sustainability Clients (Copy)
Say Hi | Connect with Me

XEM THÊM:  Gợi Ý 100+ Món Ngon Cuối Tuần Đãi Khách & Gia Đình Dễ Làm, Thực Đơn Cho Cuối Tuần


Flaws and signs of wear should be seen as marks of beauty. In this way, we can peacefully accept the way things grow, change and fade over time. With this principle, I guide my clients on a creative journey; one which opens up a dialogue and honours the root source of sustainability.

Xem thêm: 23 Món Bánh Ngọt Làm Từ Các Loại Bánh Làm Từ Bột Gạo Tẻ, Top 7 Loại Bánh Ngon Nhất Làm Từ Bột Gạo Nếp


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