Johama – What Does The Name Mean

Want more out of life? You can discover your core purpose and make it a reality through a Balanced Name – ancient wisdom for a modern world.

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90 years of ground-breaking research custom Balanced Name Recommendations online courses to learn and grow
Johama — Name Meaning — Is Your Name Helping You?

Updated April 29, 2021

Johama, the names you use create your life experiences. All names are not equal.

Your name of Johama indicates qualities of a leader and organizer but a difficulty in concentrating and systematizing your efforts interferes with achieving your goals. You desire a good standard of living and the best quality in all your material possessions. You have a friendly nature, well-liked by others for your sense of humour and pleasant personality and you love parties and socializing in general. You could be musically or artistically inclined and may often be the “life” of the party and would enjoy finding expression in the entertainment field. You have a pleasure-loving nature, and although you have an ability to meet and mix with people on all levels, you tend to become involved in awkward emotional situations to your detriment. Deriving pleasure from giving to others, you enjoy spending money on them, but tend to be a spendthrift, and not build up a reserve for emergencies.

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Health Analysis

You have a good appetite, and appreciate the best and richest foods. For this reason, you could possibly suffer with an over-heated bloodstream, which in turn affects the skin, causing rashes and eczema.


Your date of birth determines your unique core purpose, the reason for your life.

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Whether your core purpose fully expresses depends upon all the names you use!

Find out the energy created by your names by requesting a Free Name and Birthdate Report.

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First Name: Last Name: Birth Date: January February March April May June July August September October November December 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Birth Year: (enter as 4 digits)

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Legal Last Name:

Nicknames: #1 #2 #3

BusinessSignatures: (Enter the initials and/or names in your most used signatures)#1 #2 Examples: #1: John Smith #2: J Smith

Middle Name #1: Middle Name #2:

Other First Name:

Other Last Name: First Name at birth:(if different fromyour current name) Last Name at birth:

Future First Name:(being considered)

Future Last Name:

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Do not Choose Baby Names Here!

Although some names possibly appear suitable and have some of the qualities you are looking for, the name may not harmonize with your last name and the baby”s birth date and could create restrictions and lack of success.

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Call us before choosing a baby name at 1-866-489-1188 (toll-free in North America) or 604-263-9551. We would be happy to assist you or visit our baby name page for more information.

Rewards are selfish desires; seek not the individuality of selfishness; learn to know the path of creative expression nature intended you to follow, for that is your individuality for this life. –Alfred J. Parker

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. –Mahatma Gandhi

Appreciate and respect the Power of the Word (speech); never misuse this power by swearing, vulgarity, lying and deceit, falsifying another’s statement, or destroying the reputation of others. –Alfred J. Parker

Strive to govern moods and habits so as to create peace and happiness with others through happy, constructive thoughts, through little acts of generosity and service, and through seeing good and God in others. Acts of giving never go unrewarded. –Alfred J. Parker

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