On The Hunt For Vietnam'S Best Banh Mi Hoi An, Banh Mi Hoi An

Hoi An ancient town, the most highlighted destination in Asia, is always the desired place for any tourist in the world. Besides the authentic and picturesque architecture here, Hoi An street food is also an outstanding feature of Hoi An ancient town. Among the hundred delicacies of Hoi An cuisine, Hoi An Banh Mi is one of the most significant ones. Chef Anthony Bourdain, the star of his own street food show, has considered Hoi An bread as the best sandwich in the world. So what is so special about this Hoi An best street food? Let’s take a look.

Đang xem: On the hunt for vietnam's best banh mi

Why Banh Mi in Hoi An is the best

Flawless Bread of Hoi An best Street Food


The bread of Hoi An Banh Mi is perfect from the inside to the outside. The crust is thin but crispy, when you take one bite, you can feel the special texture crushed in your mouth, and you can hear the crispy sound when you press it firmly. The crumb of Banh Mi is so soft and fluffy, its texture is just like an airy white cloud floating in the sky. The combination of the crispy crust and the soft sweet crumb will blow your mind, as it is too perfect.

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The origin of Banh Mi in Hoi An is from France. When Vietnam was still a French colony, the influence of French cuisine creates many unique kinds of food, which included Hoi An Banh Mi. You may find Hoi An Banh Mi similar to Baguette, a kind of bread originally from France. It is true that they may share some characteristics, however, Hoi An Banh Mi bread is much smaller and lighter. Its crust is also thinner and its crumb is also softer and fluffier.

Special Filling of Hoi An Banh Mi – Hoi An bread

When talking about this Hoi An best street food, beside the golden crispy bread, the filling also plays an important role. If the bread is the body, then its filling is the soul. The filling is what makes this sandwich so special and extraordinary. A typical Banh Mi in Hoi An is usually loaded with filling and is much heavier than in other cities. The ingredients often include well-marinated pork, jambon, bacon, Vietnamese sausages, fried eggs, pickled papaya, herbs, and cucumbers. At first glance, many people may think it is a random mixture or even a mess. However, once they taste this Hoi An best street food, they will understand why many people crave for it.

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Best place to enjoy Banh Mi in Hoi An


It is very easy to buy a loaf of Banh Mi in Hoi An, however, finding the best place to enjoy the best Banh Mi in Hoi An may get a little challenging. There are two most famous Hoi An bread vendors that were recognized by many famous chefs in the world, including chef Anthony Bourdain. Those are Banh Mi Queen and Banh Mi Phuong. As in Hoi An, when you accidentally met a long line standing in front of a shabby vendor, you can tell it is one of these two. Both of these vendors are in the ancient town area, so you can just walk around to find them.

Banh Mi Queen – Madam Khanh: 105 Tran Cao Van, Hoi AnBanh Mi Phuong: 2B Phan Chau Trinh, Hoi An

Notes: About 20.000 VND ($1) per one. The price also changes, which depends on the ingredients you want to put inside the bread.

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Hoi An Banh Mi is not the only Hoi An best street food, there are a lot more in Hoi An to explore and enjoy. If you want to try the best Hoi An bread and other delicacies, book our Hoi An street food tour or Hoi An motorbike tour to travel around Hoi An like a local. Or you can even learn to cook these special dishes with Hoi An Cooking Class.

Trà Sữa Roy Cao Lãnh (2021), Trà Sữa Roy 2, 11 Ngô Thì Nhậm, Cao Lãnh (2021)
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