Bhs: Bien Hoa Sugar Company Profile: Acquisition & Investors

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Get an in-depth profile of Bien Hoa Sugar JSC, including a general overview of the company”s business and key management, as well as employee data and location and contact information.

Đang xem: Bien hoa sugar

Bien Hoa Sugar Joint Stock Company is a Vietnam-based manufacturer, marketer and distributor of cane sugar and other sugar-related products. It is also engaged in the merchandise of supplies, materials and machinery for operations in the sugar production sector. The Company manufactures and trades wine and alcohol as well. In addition, it is involved in construction, as well as the offering of warehousing and transportation services. During the year ended December 31, 2012, 99.27% of the Company”s revenue came from the sale of sugar products. As at December 31, 2012, the Company had two wholly owned subsidiaries. As of the same date, it had two factories, one enterprise and three branches located in Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang City and Can Tho City, Vietnam.

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