Milinaa Footwear Saigon, Cửa Hàng Trực Tuyến, Milinaa Footwear Saigon


More and more lately, I’ve been seeing posts about the capsule wardrobe, which is essentially a small collection of items made up of versatile, interchangeable garments that you can mix and match and create 3,765 outfits. I attribute its resurgence to the Marie-Kondo-style trimming of the fashion fat and parring down your closet to the joy-giving essentials – black pants, a pencil skirt, well worn jeans, the neutral pump. It’s your closet, cut back to a simple shell of clothing that can be worn every day and every season with a few minor changes. Hmmm… an excellent idea in theory. However,…

Đang xem: Milinaa footwear saigon, cửa hàng trực tuyến


Scientist by day & vintage huntress by night. Here I chronicle my daily outfits, musings, & inspirations.Thanks for stopping by!


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I have been in non-stop headless chicken mode for liztregenza pop up in my feed we

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