Le Padam Cheese Bar – Good News For Cheese Lovers In Hcmc & The New


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New shop at the Pasteur street

The new shop of Le Padam is located at the centre of the city,across from The Mach House where I love.

Đang xem: Le padam

There is a much larger shop than I expected. Couldn’t imagine such a big-scale at D1!!


In addition, croissants are also handmade. It’s a bit difficult to make authentic croissants here without well equipment.

Finally I tried croissants, how amazing they are…!

If you eat it the next day, it’s much better to toast it before eating.

Xem thêm: Siêu Thị Vinmart Hải Dương Ngừng Hoạt Động, Chi Nhã¡Nh HảI Dæ°Æ¡Ng

Xem thêm: 4 Hàng Ốc Bà Câm Tống Duy Tân, Hàng Bông, Quận Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội

You can taste rich buttery.

I want to go there for breakfast…! I haven’t try a croque-monsieur yet, always been for drinking at dinner…

Having cheese with wine is not familiar to Japanese, but you should try it if you live in HCMC. Le Padam’s cheese and wine make you happy. Don’t miss this great chance!

XEM THÊM:  Ăn Sáng Bằng Ngũ Cốc Có Nên Ăn Ngũ Cốc Vào Buổi Sáng, Lợi & Hại Cần Lưu Ý

Le Padam Cheese Bar140 Pasteur Q1Time : 07:00 – 23:00Spent : 600,000 vnd/person

Read the original article in Japanese: http://cheritheglutton.com/travelhome.vn/le-padam-q1/

Các Quán Ăn Ngon Ở Quận 5 Tphcm, Top 7 Quán Ăn Ngon Ở Quận 5, Tphcm
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