Viking 8 – Steak Pizzaiola

Viking Steak – Why do I call it this…because the flavors make me think that I might have had a steak that tasted like this back in the Viking days. It has an earthy almost primal taste yet it is unique in what it is in flavor. You are going to need a really hot good quality frying pan for this one and open the windows as its no match for your hood fan when we cook this one.

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Xem thêm: Bán Nhà Biệt Thự Quận 12, Tp Hồ Chí Minh, Bán Biệt Thự Quận 12 2021

Ingredients 1 boneless ribeye steak I used a flank steak but recommend a Rib Eye kosher salt and pepper 1/2 bottle of good red wine 1 cinnimon stick some grated nutmeg 1/2 orange peel and all 1 teaspoon sugar 5 or 6 cloves


Xem thêm: Xe Khách Tuấn Hưng – Số Điện Thoại Xe Tuấn Hưng: Sài Gòn

XEM THÊM:  Hotline, Số Điện Thoại Tổng Đài Foody, Tổng Đài Chăm Sóc Khách Hàng

Start by making the marinade by combining the wine, cloves, orange, , sugar and cinnamon stick in a pot and let it steep for about 30 min at a low simmer. Now take off and cool to room temp. Now take your rib eye steak and put it in the marinade for up to a week if not at least 2 days. It will take this amount of time to have those flavors get in there. Now before you cook it take the marinade and steak and let it come to room temp for about an hour at least before you cook it.

Now take the steak out and shake off any excess marinade and season it on both sides with salt and pepper. Get your cast iron pan on high heat and let it get really hot and with no oil put the steak in and don’t touch it. Cook it on the first side for about 2 min depending on the thickness, turn it over and finish for about a 1-2 min, it should have a really nice crust on it. take out and let it rest for at least 5 min this will continue to cook it and should be around medium to mediun rare.

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