The Current Warren Buffet Car Definition And Meaning, Buffet Car Definition And Meaning

Although I am sure there were variations according to road, what was the general use of the buffet cars? Were they unstaffed? Is a buffet car the same as a grill car?




I think a buffet car served drinks and light food – snacks, sandwiches maybe etc. There would be someone behind the counter to buy from. They wouldn't have full meals or I would guess hot food (until maybe the advent of the microwave oven, where they could warm up pre-packaged hamburgers or sandwiches.)

A grill car was sort of in between a buffet car and a regular dining car. It might have a long counter like a neighborhood diner would have. You could get hamburgers, hot dogs, grilled cheese etc. but not really full meals like a diner. As I recall I ate in a grill car on the GN as a kid and thought it was pretty neat.

Đang xem: Buffet car



Member sinceMarch 2004 From: Central Valley California 2,841 posts
Posted by passengerfan on Friday, May 1, 2009 4:21 PM
I think a buffet car served drinks and light food – snacks, sandwiches maybe etc. There would be someone behind the counter to buy from. They wouldn't have full meals or I would guess hot food (until maybe the advent of the microwave oven, where they could warm up pre-packaged hamburgers or sandwiches.)

XEM THÊM:  acb bakery

A grill car was sort of in between a buffet car and a regular dining car. It might have a long counter like a neighborhood diner would have. You could get hamburgers, hot dogs, grilled cheese etc. but not really full meals like a diner. As I recall I ate in a grill car on the GN as a kid and thought it was pretty neat.

Both UP and NP had Buffet cars with the steam tables that served the food the cooks stood behind and filled your plate with the choices you made. Then you went to the cashier and paid your bill then seated yourself. The Hamburger grill car such as onthe SP served a limited menu with a reduced staff in order to shave costs. The next step down the ladder for SP was the Automat cars with coin operated machines dispensing nearly edible food.

Al – in – Stockton

Member sinceJanuary 2001 From: Atlanta 11,758 posts
Posted by oltmannd on Friday, May 1, 2009 5:44 PM

XEM THÊM:  Top 31 Địa Điểm Du Lịch Quy Nhơn Đi Đâu, Làm Gì, Chơi Gì? 24H Ở Quy Nhơn: Đi Đâu, Làm Gì, Chơi Gì

Amtrak's diners on the “SIlver” in the 80s and early 90s were buffet style. A steward would carry your tray and seat you, however.

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-Don (Random stuff, mostly about – what else?


Member sinceAugust 2005 From: At the Crossroads of the West 11,013 posts
Posted by Deggesty on Friday, May 1, 2009 5:45 PM
Although I am sure there were variations according to road, what was the general use of the buffet cars? Were they unstaffed? Is a buffet car the same as a grill car?



I thought that the Pullman Company's Commissary Instructions (1939) would help answer the question, but my copy (a reprint of copyNo. 3763)does not. The cover and the first page of general instructions simply indicate that the instructions for Broiler, Buffet, Club and Lounge Car Service are to be found in the book.

The only differentiation is between the types of checks–meal, beverage, and employes meal check. Meal checks were used on “Cars where Meals and Beverages are served,” beverage checks were used on “Cars where Cigars, Beverages, Sandwiches, etc., are served.” Employes meal checks were used on “All types of cars for Train or Pullman Employes Actually on Duty.”

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The only reference in the index to “buffet” refers to the section which forbids Pullman employees to keep personal belongings in the car or to make any personal use of the car when laying over; the only reference to “grill” is to grilling potatoes; the only reference to “lounge” is to the section forbidding employees on duty from lounging in the public area of the car.

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Today, we are in the dark as to the distinctions that Pullman made seventy years ago–unless we have contributors who traveled by Pullman at that time, or someone has an authoritative text on the subject. Al – in – Stockton has apparently told us all that we can learn. Thanks, Al.

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