Usage Of ” Resort To Synonyms, What Is Another Word For Resort To

“Former President Barack Obama encouraged Kenyans to fully embrace the promise of democracy by accepting the results of their forthcoming presidential election —without resorting to violence.”

Can it be changed to “without resort to violence”?

Looked up in a dict. “Resort” can be used as a noun word: “There are hopes that the conflict can be resolved without resort to violence.”

Looks like resort can be either used as a noun or a verb in this context. Is “resort to violence”=”resorting to violence” true in this context? If yes, will the meaning be the same as

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asked Aug 8 “17 at 12:53


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Yes, both can be used with the same meaning. Even though resorting is the more common phrasing.

Đang xem: Resort to

Note, however:

I will never resort to violence.

In this example, resort is the only variation of the word that can be correctly used. The context can make a big difference.

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There is also a point of style to be made about the original sentence:

Former President Barack Obama encouraged Kenyans to fully embrace the promise of democracy by accepting the results of their forthcoming presidential election —without resorting to violence.”

Although it would not be wrong to use resort, it flows better if the verbs take the same ing (gerund) form.

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answered Apr 13 “18 at 21:44


Jason BassfordJason Bassford
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You could use either, but note they express different tones

Hope to find a solution without resorting to violence


Hope to find a solution, using violence only as a last resort

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answered Feb 7 “18 at 21:47


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